Succession Planning & Talent management
In successful companies, the Executive committee is the key internal governance forum. More and more, boards expect their CEOs, not only to have a well-designed CEO succession plan but also one for its Executive Team.
Like CEO succession, Executive Team succession planning requires an effective process that is both explicit as well as discrete, includes key stakeholders and is comprehensive in scope.
At CEO or executive team level, we work with CEOs and Human Resource Directors to:
- dedicated talent development plans for key leaders,
Like CEO succession, Executive Team succession planning requires an effective process that is both explicit as well as discrete, includes key stakeholders and is comprehensive in scope.
At CEO or executive team level, we work with CEOs and Human Resource Directors to:
- - Assess the current Executive Team seniority (vs. comparable benchmarks)
- Identify and develop high-potential individuals who can step in Executive Team roles in the future
- Create dynamic succession plans based on the above
- If necessary, develop an understanding of available talent in the external market
We do not believe in turnkey solutions designed without taking into account your business needs. A succession plan is not only about putting names in boxes, but more essentially to answer your own key HR questions. We co-design with you customized solutions based on your business needs and your corporate culture:
- dedicated talent development plans for key leaders,
- - targeted retention plans.